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Supervisor User Guide

a As a supervisor, it is your general responsibility to ensure the timecards, schedules, and leave requests are attended to for your group of employees. The guide to follow will aid in using the Timeco system as Supervisor.

A video version of this guide is available here.

Across the top of the system, you will find a main navigation menu - additional links can be found within. 

An indicator icon  will display a number next to each area with notifications for you to review.

For example, we have one timecard with an exception, a missed punch:



This area of the program will be used to manage the punches or transactions that are added to the employee timecards.

All Timecards – allows you to review/approve/edit all employee timecards.

Exception Cards – review any exceptions such as Missing Punch, Late, Early, or Absent.

Approvals – allows you to approve/lock employee timecards, and digitally sign them as the employee’s supervisor.


Selecting an Employee:


There is a filter button visible in many areas of the system, including the Timecard.


This filter allows you to filter your screen in a variety of ways, so you are for example only looking at one department at a time:


Employees are sorted alphabetically by last name, and you may sort by each header row, by clicking on the header. 


Click the employee’s name to view their Timecard. Please note, that you may have multiple pages of employees depending on how many you manage.




Additionally, you may find an employee if you are already on their timecard, or other areas, by selecting the name tab:




Selecting a Pay Period

the Use the arrows next to the pay period range to select appropriate pay period. The default will always be the current period, whichever day that ‘today’ falls within.






When entering punch times, you will only need to key the number and then AM or PM (I.E. 8am). You may also use military time, (I.E. 1500 for 3pm). 


Adding a new punch: 


The default category will be Regular for punch times, and the date of the punch will be displayed in the left column. Simply enter 8am and save in this example, to input an in punch time of 8am.




Fixing a missing OUT punch – Select (click) the cell where you see the text “MISSING” and key in the missed punch (5pm for example), followed by save.



Fixing a missing IN punch – When you encounter this situation, just remember the system will automatically put the punches in sequential order based on time and date when you press save. This is very important to remember when modifying multiple entries on the timecard.

Notice how we have a 5pm punch in the ‘in’ punch cell in the image below, however, we want this punch to be reflected as the ‘out’ punch.

To fix this missed punch below, simply type 8am in place of “MISSING”, then save. The 8am punch will become the “IN” punch because the system recognizes that 8am comes before 5pm on this day.




Adding punches that occur after 12am (overnight, or third shift) – remember, the system will put the punches in sequential order automatically, so be careful when you enter punches that surpass 12am. The following page will outline the correct and incorrect method of entering punches after 12am.



Incorrect Method:



This employee missed their out punch at 2AM. You cannot simply key in the 2AM punch here, because you are keying the punch on 11/29. If you do key this 2am punch, the system will put the punches in sequential order and the punch will "jump" to the beginning of the day, punching the employee ‘in’ at 2am like we see below, and you are paying the employee for a 16-hour shift: 



Correct Method:


  • First, double-click the “MISSING” cell.
  • Ensure that you are selecting the proper date (the next day), and input the correct punch time, 2am in this example.
  • When you save, the punch will remain on the correct day, as the ‘out’ punch.







To add a transaction to an employee timecard (Hours or Dollars), select the category you wish to add time to the timecard by clicking on the Category drop-down menu.



  1. Input the total hours or dollars into the Category Input field. Note – the field will change to hours or dollars depending on the category chosen.


  1. Click on the date field to select the appropriate date. The date must fall within the current period range.


  1. Click at the top right



Once you are certain that the timecard is correct, you may press the  button at the top right to lock it.

The approval is 100% optional and will not hold back payroll processing. You will not be able to approve the “Current Period” by default, only the previous period.

Once the period has ended and your employees have finished their work, you may approve. Once approved, no changes can be made to the timecard, however, you can click the Unapprove button to unlock the timecard at any time.

The textual indicators at the top of the timecard will indicate whether the timecard is approved or not. A time stamp will indicate the date/time of the approval: 

Not Submitted indicates that the employee has not yet submitted their own timecard via their own login to “digitally sign” their timecard. This is optional.

To approve all timecards, from the Timecard menu, there is a global approvals area:

The Approvals area allows you to approve, or unapprove many timecards at once. You may place a checkmark in multiple employees at once and save from the top right corner. 

Use the filters at the top to change departments, employee types, or to unapprove all timecards for example.





 From the Timecards - Approvals sub-menu, you will find the Daily Review area:



This area allows you to quickly review punches and transactions for all employees daily, without having to scroll through timecards. 


This is a great tool for supervisors who share employees and allows you to avoid duplication of another’s work.


The review will not lock the timecard like the timecard approval, it will simply place a note that the supervisor has reviewed this date.


By default, the system will display yesterday as the day to review, but you may enter any date you like using the filter button at the top.


This section will display all transactions that occurred on the timecards on this date. You can also utilize this area to review Exceptions, such as the example below, in which case we have a Missed Punch for this employee:


To submit your review for an employee, place a checkmark in the Reviewed column to the left, next to each set of punches (in/out times) or transactions (PTO, Tips, etc) for each employee. 



When completed, click  at the top right.





Note: the employee will need to be assigned to alternate departments first, covered later in the Employee section.


In the example below, we demonstrate how to transfer an employee to a different position at 1pm.


The employee punches in at 9am, there is no ‘out’ punch, and we enter the 1pm punch as the second ‘in’ punch for the day, with an alternate position. 


This will effectively transfer the employee from the first position (123) and into (12345) at 1pm.


If performed successfully, the day will be split into two departments in the totals section at the bottom of the timecard.






At the top of the timecard, the Benefits area is used to view and track available benefit balances for employees. The current available balance is shown along with the category name.



Note - Current and future pending requests are not deducted from the balance, only approved requests are deducted. This is a setting that may be changed by request.


 To view the benefits history, click on the icon as shown, and the details will appear.




Exceptions are generally anything outside of the normal scheduled hours for employees.

Exceptions would include Late, Early, Absences, but also Missed Punches and approved time off such as PTO, Sick or Vacation.


This is a calendar view of system-defined exceptions. You can use this area to view the current month by default, as well as future and prior months by clicking on the arrows at the top right and left.






If a points policy has been enabled in the system, and if the employee has a schedule, they may incur points based on this information (if they are late, absent, etc).


Points can be reviewed here, and any point can be modified by selecting it in the table. The current point balance is displayed at the top.

 You may manually set up points for employees by selecting  at the top right.





If an employee punches via mobile device, the  tab at the top of the timecard will allow a supervisor to ensure the employee is punched in from the proper address.


The key at the bottom of the map will help to decipher the punches that are displayed on the map:


A red pin  on the map denotes a punch from an incorrect or unallowed address. Click the punch for more details.


If the exclamation point icon is encountered, this means the employee punched without GPS coordinates. 

A couple possibilities of for this icon  would be:


  1. Punching from a computer, whereby no GPS coordinates would be passed.
  2. The punch was manually input into the timecard by a supervisor/admin.
  3. The employee denied access to use their GPS when prompted.
  4. The employee is in an area with network coverage issues.


If the employee is having trouble with their punches, they are encouraged them to press  prior to the punch, to ensure the address that their mobile device is supplying is correct.






All Requests – review/approve all requests that are pending/approved/declined.


Request Calendar – review your leave requests with a monthly calendar view.


New Pending – review requests that are new and in the pending status (have not been approved or declined).






As a supervisor or admin, you may approve or decline leave requests that have been sent to you in this area.


At the top of the approve request area, you will see a group of Search Options by clicking on  


Note – Pending Requests are shown by default: 


Using the search, you may filter your list by Leave Status (Approved, Denied, etc), Pay Rule (FT/PT), Department and/or Employee.


Your employee list will display all requests that have been sent to you, with the most recent at the top. You may click on the header of the column to sort by the oldest/newest request (for example to sort by date).


Leave Date is the day/time the employee is requesting off.


Request Date/Time indicates when the employee put the request into the system.


Approval: When you are ready to approve a leave request, place a check mark next to the employee name(s) that you would like to approve/decline, and then click the corresponding button at the top right of the page. You may also enter a comment that can be viewed by the employee.





If a timecard has been approved already, you would need to unapprove it first (from the timecard itself or approvals area), prior to approving the leave request:





This area is great for spotting employees who have requested off on the same day. You may also approve/decline requests in this area by placing a check next to their name, then Approve/Decline at the top right.


Note – Pending Requests are shown by default, but you may unselect  to see all requests.


At the bottom of the calendar, a key is shown to indicate the colors of each request type:







Think of this area as the dashboard in your car, which will display modules to show you the important events in the system, going on in real time.

You may access your dashboard at any time by selecting the  icon.

To configure each Dashboard module, you may filter, or simply select All, followed by Save at the bottom. 


Once configured, the module will show you either a Summary or the Details, depending on which link you select at the bottom right:



The Summary option is generally a chart or graph:



The Details option will show a list or grid of detailed information.


Once you select the Summary or Details option, your dashboard will be saved this way for future use. Toggle back and forth between the two options to decide which you like the best. Click Configure to reconfigure your filters if you like.


 To add additional Dashboard modules, select the  icon to the right of the dashboard modules, and choose which module to add from the list:








List View – display a list of your current employees


Scheduler – add/review/modify the schedules for employees, for the hours and days that they are supposed to clock in/out.


Who is Working – review who is currently punched into to the system.




By scheduling your employees, you can track Exceptions in the system (Late, Early, Absent).

Without a schedule, exceptions will not trigger. The exception is triggered by comparing the schedule to the actual hours worked on the timecard.


By default, the Scheduler will show scheduled employees only. To show all employees, select this option:


The Scheduler shows the current week by default; however, you may navigate forward and backward using the date selection tool:


Use the Search field or the Filter button to narrow down your results. For example, it may be beneficial to hide Salaried employees, if they do not punch.




To assign a schedule to your employee, you may simply type the in/out time into the cells per day.


The  option will take the schedule in the current week and infinitely roll it forward into future weeks until changed.


The schedule budget icon  displays the total scheduled hours and labor cost. The cost is the employee’s wage rate multiplied by scheduled hours for the week.


The color coding will depend on the colors selected in the Labor Levels area within the system.




If you want to move one employee’s schedule to another employee, simply click and drag the employee’s name to another. 


You can even drag blank lines/cells on top of others, to quickly delete schedules. Any cell can be dragged to another to easily copy the schedule.


To modify a schedule, you may double-click to edit the details, or change the segment:



Schedule Templates can be created if you have a common schedule that is to be used for multiple employees.


Select  at the top to create a new template.


Fill in the template based on the schedule criteria and save:



Once the template is setup, click  at the top of the Scheduler to display the current templates that are setup within the system.


Click and drag the template to the employee to assign it, followed by save at the top right.




The default view of the Scheduler is weekly; however, you may also schedule by day or month: 



The Monthly view is great for scheduling one day at a time, or just getting an idea of who is scheduled per day this month. You can also navigate backward and forward between months, using the arrows at the top right/left corner of the calendar.


If employees are scheduled, you will see the number of employees scheduled per day on the calendar:



When you select a day, a new window will appear whereby you may schedule each employee individually and add more employees to the schedule for this day.






To access your User Preferences, select the icon next to your username as seen below. This is an area to see your own personal Timecard, Schedule and Leave Request area, as an employee.




This area will allow you to change various settings within the system:


Number of Items Returned in Lists – controls how many lines are returned in the list areas of the application before a new page is created (for example under Employees à List View).


Employee Status for Display – Employees that you wish to display in the system. Hourly and Salary would be your active employees. Historical indicates terminated or inactive employees.


Default view of employee timecard(s): The default view of the timecard when under the Employee Timecards section. ‘Previous’ is a great setting for when you wish to process/approve the previous period, it will automatically load the previous period when selecting a new employee, bypassing the need to click the back button.


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